
Being an intuitive has its rewards and challenges. The rewards are the gifts of insight and the wisdom gained from the lessons. The challenges are finding a space, a place, where I could be authentically intuitive and spiritual without being diminished or devalued because of a lack of understanding and or exposure to the psychic phenomenon.

My experiences have been unique and profound. Sharing my manuscript with publishers and Literary Agents generated the response: “I don’t know what to do with this… how about self-help?” My stories did not fit into any literary-labeled box.

In 1997, on a 98-degree day, a Sedona tour guide took me to an outcropping of rocks, which was a portal. I sat in what I feared would be a blazing sun for two hours, but in that portal, the sun was comfortable, and the rock we sat on remained cool. When we returned to the car, I was surprised to learn that only 30 minutes had passed. I walked away with the words My PortalStar etched in my mind. It became the name of my intuitive consultation business. 

Given the spiritual nature of my stories, it was logical that my consultation business manifested into another business entity, PortalStar Publishing. Since its inception, Spirit has guided me to meet more authors with their own incredible stories. What started as a self-publishing venture for my fictional and nonfictional manuscripts has grown, and continues to grow, into an outlet and resource for meta human happenings.

When ordinary people encounter an extraordinary event, they have the opportunity, if they choose, to acknowledge their ability to receive and experience dimensions of reality that are not readily visible. This is the meta-human phenomenon. PortalStar Publishing develops and publishes fiction and nonfiction meta-human stories. The books in its catalog provide intuitive and authentic supernatural events that serve to evolve the soul. PortalStar Publishing’s mission is to enlighten each reader to successfully transcend their meta-human experience and share it with everyone they encounter. 

Welcome home!

Mitakuye Oyasin

Masheri Chappelle

Wakayeja Wicahpe

Publisher, Novelist, and Intuitive Storyguide